[Iris Photo]
[Nick Jankowski
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One Last Appletini (2004)

I was sitting on our back patio sipping a cold apple martini one evening, when I noticed how beautifully all the lights from the patio umbrella were reflecting in the green liquid. A few days later, I tried to recreate the scene and capture that vibrancy in a photograph. The resulting images were fine, but none of them had the vivid color that I'd noticed before; sobriety will do that I suppose. So I experimented with one of the images in Paint Shop Pro until it more closely resembled the mood of the moment. A few more adjustments and I had a series of photos that not only represented the mood of the moment, but also my progressive state of being.

To create your own appletini moment*, follow the recipe below:

6 oz. Green Apple Pucker
3 oz. Apple flavored Vodka
Maraschino cherries

Fill a large shaker 1/2 full of ice. Add liquor to shaker. Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds. Pour into martini glasses and garnish with maraschino cherries.

*Please drink responsibly. Nick Jankowski Studios does not condone the consumption of alcohol by minors or drinking to excess.